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Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong

Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong

Unsmoked Lapsang Souchong

Fujian Province, China/Limited Edition

Black Teas

Season: Spring

Availability: In Stock

Price: £8.40

  • Description
  • Tasting Notes
  • Pairings
  • Brewing Instructions
  • Ingredients

This unsmoked Lapsang Souchong offers an interesting alternative to try alongside the smoked Lapsang Souchong in our colllection. In the West we think of teas named Lapsang Souchong as only being smoked, however this is not true. The smoked type is very popular in the West where tea drinkers are enamoured with its strong tarry, smoky flavours whereas the unsmoked variety is more widely drunk and known in China. The name can be confusing and so I am also referring to the unsmoked variety by its Chinese name, Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong, naming literally the variety of tea bush (small leafed or xiao zhong), and the area ( Authentic Mountains referencing Wuyi Mountains). It is suggested the name was born out of Western tea traders need to pronounce the Chinese name and thereby converting it in to English phonetics as Lapsang Souchong. Leaving the leaf unsmoked enables the complexity of flavours to come through yielding a cup of tea which is sophisticated yet satisfying and easy drinking. Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong has been made for us by the Weng family, tea masters and growers who live within the protected national park of Wuyi Shan in Fujian Province. The tea is popular in China but not heard of very much in the West. It is a smooth and satisfying tea which would suit those who enjoy Keemun black teas. One of our favourites at Dorothy’s Teas!

The very long, dark brown leaves have a delightful malty and woody aroma overlaid with a subtle fruitness. The tea brews a dark mahogany colour with a creamy malt and cocoa aroma. The taste replicates the aroma with cocoa and malt notes and a smooth burnt sugar overtone. The mouthfeel is juicy and well balanced

Chocolate and berry desserts. Breakfast pastries ,toast and porridge.

By the cup using an infuser: - 2.5g / 1 level tsp / 200ml / 95-100c/ 4 minutes.

By the tea pot: Warm the pot. Allow 1 level teaspoon/ 2.5g per person and one for the pot. Heat freshly drawn water to boiling point and pour briskly over the leaves. Stir and leave for 4 minutes.

Infusion Accessories

Brew by the cup using an infuser or brew using a teapot and strainer.

Tea bud and 2 leaves