- Description
- Tasting Notes
- Pairings
- Brewing Instructions
- Ingredients
Smoky Russian Caravan is a blend we have carefully created by adding Smoked Lapsang Souchong to our Russian Caravan blend. Russian Caravan tea takes its name from the 6,000 strong camel trains that crossed from China to Russia trading tea for furs. The trains would start in Kashgar, N. W. China behind China's great Wall and finally after 16 - 18 months of arduous travelling would reach Moscow. Each night campfires would be lit for warmth and security and the precious tea would be laid out next to the fires. As the journey progressed it is believed the tea took on a smoky flavour which became very popular in Russia. This blend is as it is thought the tea would have tasted once it reached Moscow! It is mildly smoky, reminiscent of autumn bonfires!
Part of taking tea today in Russia is the use of a samovar which consists of a hot water boiler with a small teapot on top in which a very strong black tea is kept warm. The tea is then poured from the teapot and hot water added from the boiler to create the required strength. Jam and sugar is added along with milk.
At Dorothy's teas we have 2 blends of Russian Caravan. This blend is as the tea would have tasted after the long journey to Russia,taking on the flavour from the campfires. Our other blend - Russian Caravan is as it would have tasted as it left China and before the long journey to Moscow.
The dry leaf smells of smoky autumn bonfires and is a rich dark brown of medium length mingled with paler coloured leaves. On steeping the tea brews a golden copper colour with a burnt sugar and mild smoky aroma. On sipping the smoky flavours are forefront but progress into a woody maltiness and gentle peaty sweetness. Would take milk well.
To bring out the smoky flavour pair with any smoked foods. Alternately try with hard cheese, chicken or pork.
2.5g to 200ml of water at 100c. Steep for 3 minutes if drinking black or 5 minutes if taking with milk.
Infusion Accessories
Brew by the cup using an infuser or teapot and strainer.
Black and oolong tea buds and leaves